
Christmas butterfly...

3 commentaires:

Giusy Santoro a dit…

I love your space, and I wish to visit you soon in Paris. I'm a jewelry designer, live in Rome, and I've too a blogspot to show my style. If you have time let take a loook, I'll be proud to see your impressions..Thanx for attention and good creative work!

Giusy Santoro

Estelle Yomeda a dit…

Hi Giusy,
Thank you, for your kind message. I like your work very much too, especially la linea coreallis!
I will be in Roma end of the next week, do you have a shop? May be you know a nice hotel in the center of Roma it will be my first time in Roma and I am very excited? All the best, Estelle.

Yayemarie a dit…

Hi Estelle,
As soon as I got the new Marie Claire all the way in dkr senegal and i saw the piece on u..i was so excited and i had to google to see ur webbie..ive heard of u and featured u on my bloggie a long time ago but it was hard finding ur webbie..but anywhoo so inspired by ur work as an african sista, as a busisness woman and as a shoe designer..anywhoo would love to know if you would be "down" pour une interview..tu peux voir mon blog:www.yayemarieba.blogspot.com
and i wish you the best in the meantime
heres my email au cas ou:
all ze very best:)